Thursday, June 1, 2017

Spring 17' SPRUNG

& so did my breakout {AGAIN}

I honestly thought I was in the clear. But NOPE.
My acne came back slowly and not just on my face. 

It appeared now on my chest, back and shoulders. Thankfully not CYSTIC but still as frustrating.

Incessantly, I used natural oils, soaps and tried to exfoliate this breakout away, but NO DICE.
I scrubbed and exfoliated to no end, until one unlucky day, I used a spin brush on my face with my Cetaphil cleanser.
Not giving it enough time after patting my face dry I immediately applied Retin-A micro and felt a tingle.
Thinking nothing of it I applied Onexton and

I didn't know if to add water to it and wash it off or what, so I sat through the burning tingle that was happening on my face.
When I woke up, I had some sort of chemical like burn going from the sides of my nose outward to my cheeks and the outer sides of my mouth.
The areas that were burning got coarse and peeled for days.

I was so over my skin that I sent a message through the patient portal asking to switch dermatologists.
I inquired about Dr. Sonya Bellamy again and was happy to hear she had a opening on April 17th, 17'.
Booked it asap and threw away every piece of Rx'd acne medication I owned from my previous dermatologist.

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