Friday, June 2, 2017

Wrecked but HOPEFUL

(Clears throat) 90% of my life I had not a worry in the world when it came to acne.
My fatter, ate whatever I wanted self had no worries and as of 2 years ago, my healthier, ate cautiously self had not one worry either.
Turn 30 and WHAMM
  ACNE came in like

I've tried over the counter acne solutions.
I've been Rx'd a combo of Retin-A Mirco, Onexton & Solodyn, which worked for a few months then stopped.
After getting the chemical type burn on my face from applying my Rx'd acne medication immediately after using a spin brush, I ventured into natural remedies:
Vitamin E Oil
Tea Tree Oil
African Black Soap
Coconut Oil
Baking Soda
They all provided short lived relief but no permanent fix.

I've revisited Dunwoody Dermatology and saw Dr. Sonya Bellamy.
She strongly advised to go the Accutane route.
She warned me of the excessive dryness and other major & minor side effects.
So many questions came to mind:
face product suggestions❔
daytime routines❓
nighttime routines❔
do's & don'ts❓
sunblock suggestions❔
pros & cons❔
would this interfere with my gym routine❓

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