Saturday, July 1, 2017

30 days into Accutane & Chill

I MADE IT and it hasn't been that bad,
Of course there was dryness, the initial breakout, me popping some of the pimples more than i should of... but other than that things seem to be improving.

From June 14th(day of my 1st follow up) until now, I have been on 40mg of CLARAVIS.

I went on vacation and made a decision to enjoy it fully and carefree. That means I went out without covering up, I didn't wear additional or reapply sunscreen. I drank water, but not enough. I even missed a day and freaked out for about 2.5secs. I noticed drying out happened more often and in patches here and there. Crossing my fingers, that it doesn't get much worse than this.

Returned from vacation and within 24hrs, I slid right back into my routine. Sleep & work, that's it. Since starting my Accutane journey, I posted progress pics every Thursday night. I missed last week because I was on vacation. This week, I chose not to post on Thursday because the very next day 6/30/17' marked my 30 days into this journey.

Thursday night before work.
With flash
Get dressed
Settle in at work
and here's my face

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