Sunday, October 1, 2017

4 months IN

4 months into Accutane & Chill and shit went crazy. So last time I posted was around the end of August. I had my follow up with Dr. Schaen on 8/23 and flew out to NOLA on 8/26. I had to make a call to the pharmacy and let them know that I would have my brother pick it up before the iPledge deadline of 1159pm on 8/28. When my flight landed and I settled into my hotel room, I called the pharmacy to see if the order would arrive on Monday before the deadline. The answer was yes. I enjoyed my mini vacation, but bright and early Monday morning I called the pharmacy and they hadn't received the order. They offered an option to pick up my Rx at another CVS pharmacy. They transferred the Rx and I sent my brother there.
I returned home Tuesday morning and saw the pharmacy bag on the table. I opened it and there was only 1 box. My Rx is for 2 boxes. Some days past and I realized that my one box was coming to an end and I've yet to hear about the 2nd box. I called my regular pharmacy and inquired about the 2nd box. They said the shipment never came, so I asked where is my 2nd box? They advised that the CVS they transferred my Rx to should have it. I called the 2nd CVS pharmacy and they didn't have it. I spent 2 hrs back and forth between 2 pharmacies who couldn't tell me who owed me my 2nd box.
I called my dermatologist office and they said X amount of days had passed and the iPledge program is requesting that I come in and give a urine sample and go thru a full follow up. How am I going thru this, when it's the pharmacy that didn't fill the Rx as written? I didn't want to deal with CVS anymore and asked to have my Rx sent to Kroger or Walgreens.
All of this happened on Friday 9/15. The dermatologist couldn't get me in with Dr. Schaen, so I was set up to see Dr. Ngozi, Monday 8/18 @ 1pm. Pissed I agreed. Monday came and I was pleasantly surprised to have been seen by an African American dermatologist. Leaving the office, I set up my next follow-up for 15 days out with Dr. Ngozi(will no longer be seeing Dr. Schaen. Personally I feel as a black woman, I should be seen by another BLACK women.) They need me to fast so they can draw blood and test my cholesterol and make sure my Liver is intact. The Rx they sent in that day was only for a 15 day supply and was ready 2 days later. They sent it right back to CVS. I gave up on trying to change that. By the time I picked it up, I had been without my daily CLARAVIS dosage for 6 days. Thankfully my skin is at a stage where I'm not breaking out, so it didn't revert back.
My blood work will be done at 7am on 10/4 and I'll be put back on my full 30 day dosage of 60mg of CLARAVIS.
My skin has been doing it's thing. I attended a wedding in Columbus, GA. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL, but it was so HOT outside, my face was red the entire time. I'm still using the Sebuderm to minimize redness and it does what it's supposed, unless I'm overexposed to HEAT. IT's semi blotchy in areas where the cystic acne was most prevelant. I guess that will fixed itself with time or something topical in the future.
Got dressed and headed to work
settled in at work
and here's my face
Will be back after my follow up Wednesday!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

1/4 year

Had an interesting month for my skin... I'll talk about it later... progress photos to come.
Here's to day 120 (4 months of #accutane&chill)

Friday, September 1, 2017

90 days in & 90 to go

Made it this far. 
My follow up with Dr. Schaen was on 8/23 and things are going as expected. I have redness that needs to subside. I asked the Dr what her guesstimated endtime would be and she suggested another 3 months. I'll need to come in for a follow up and she'll need to see no pimples at all on my face, neck, chest, back and or shoulders before she can end my treatment.


Improvement is all that can take place from there. Still looking way better than day 1, so here's to clearer skin
With flash
Got dressed and headed to work
settled in at work
and here's my face

Here's to another 90 days...

Monday, July 31, 2017

60 Days...

Bihhh...I MADE IT.

60 days ago I started my #Accutane treatment. Brand: #CLARAVIS - 6/1 20mg > 6/14 40mg > 7/26 60mg. No alcohol, direct sun, waxing or sex. Upped my water intake. Ate kinda clean. Still indulged a few times. Most treatments are 4-6 months long. Hoping to be off it by October... Skin clearing up. Glow up soon come.Documented my progress via pics with and without flash. 
Day 1 vs day 60...

Friday, July 28, 2017

57 days in...

With flash
Get dressed
Settle in at work
and here's my face

With time

So, I've been gone for a while......

Readjusting after vacation. Working crazy overtime hours. Trying to rest in between. More recently, I've been doing all 3 in addition to trying to have somewhat of a social life. It's been interesting to say the least.

July 19th, I went for my follow-up visit. It wasn't a good visit for me due to the fact that the dermatologist office that I've went to for the last 2 yrs was bought by a new company. My dermatologist that started me on my treatment was no longer there. I saw a new dermatologist and it was very off putting to me, because I wasn't not familiar with her. 
Needless to say, she advised that I'll be going up to 60mg CLARAVIS, taking a 30mg capsule twice a day. In addition to upping my dosage, she Rx'd me a topical ointment called SEBUDERM to minimize redness. 

I did not like that at all. I feel like the treatment can become harsher and to add in another Rx would be too much. I left feeling MEHHHH, for a lack of better words.

The weekend came and went and I had so much going on, that I missed taking the last 2 of my 40mg capsules on 7/22 & 7/23. On 7/25 I finished off my last 40mg capsule and started taking 2 30mg a day on 7/26. Today, 7/28 marks 57 days I've been taking CLARAVIS and with each day that passes I feel more and more like my old self. Is my skin 100% clear? NO, but it's that it's been in months and I am happy with the progress.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Looking back to move forward

Comparing June 1st, 17' to July 1st, 17'.

Some of the things I've noticed after these 30 days:
■ Less cystic acne.
■ Less pustule acne.
■ Fewer clusters of pimples.
■ Some patches of clearer skin that I haven't seen in months.
■ Face is no longer paintful to the tocuh where acne was it's worst.
■ Less itching wherever the acne was.
on a more mental/emotional note
■ I'm a bit more sociable and less to myself because my face is improving.

Here's to the next month on Accutane.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

30 days into Accutane & Chill

I MADE IT and it hasn't been that bad,
Of course there was dryness, the initial breakout, me popping some of the pimples more than i should of... but other than that things seem to be improving.

From June 14th(day of my 1st follow up) until now, I have been on 40mg of CLARAVIS.

I went on vacation and made a decision to enjoy it fully and carefree. That means I went out without covering up, I didn't wear additional or reapply sunscreen. I drank water, but not enough. I even missed a day and freaked out for about 2.5secs. I noticed drying out happened more often and in patches here and there. Crossing my fingers, that it doesn't get much worse than this.

Returned from vacation and within 24hrs, I slid right back into my routine. Sleep & work, that's it. Since starting my Accutane journey, I posted progress pics every Thursday night. I missed last week because I was on vacation. This week, I chose not to post on Thursday because the very next day 6/30/17' marked my 30 days into this journey.

Thursday night before work.
With flash
Get dressed
Settle in at work
and here's my face

Friday, June 16, 2017

14 days in

With flash
Get dressed
Settle in at work
and here's my face

On 6/14/17, I went to my Dermatologist for a follow up appt.
I informed them that even though I picked up my pills on 5/22/17, I didn't start them until 6/1/17.
The nursing assistant asked how have things been going and I shared with him the
■Dry lips
■Dry Scalp
■Losing eyelashes daily during days 1-7
He had me give another urine sample. No blood work was done.
He advised that going forward I'll always be 2 weeks ahead of the usual 30 days before a new Rx is written and dispersed.

Dr. Bellamy came in and we chatted it up as she analyzed my face.
She made me aware that I am in the "initial BREAKOUT" phase, then advised to start doubling up.
Instead of taking 1 20mg CLARAVIS capsule, I should start taking 2 20mg CLARAVIS capsules.
Here's where I start to experience more of the drying out of my skin.
The next Rx she writes will be for 40mg CLARAVIS.
She didn't specify if to take 1 in the AM and the other in the PM or both at the same time.
I'm choosing to take 2 at 1 time, because I'll forget, especially since my sleep pattern isn't consistent.
I made her aware that I'm an avid pimple popper and of course she advised against doing so as it leads to scaring. With that being said, she suggested a facial cleanser caller AVAR.

I'm to use on the areas with prominent puss filled bumps. This will help dry them out so they won't get to that stage where I'd usually have the urge to pop them.

The nursing assistant came back in to check me out and I picked his brain about it being SUMMERTIME and what my options are regarding pools and beaches and just being out in general
He advised to cover up as much as I can and to use SPF 30+ with ZINC and sunscreen that were labelled waterproof & sport and provided me samples of different brands of sunscreens: